CMP-1-30-2007: CrapMonkey Podcast Episode 116

Travis on SkateWell, January is almost behind us already!  In this episode we chat about the upcoming Seattle Podcasting Network Meetup, which will be providing some podcasting coverage to Seattle Ignite 2.0 on February 13th.  Ready to move to Vista?  If so, you’ll want to check out the Vista site first to ensure your hardware is ready.  Also, if you happen to be a Tori Amos fan, don’t miss your chance to be a part of a Tori Amos tribute billboard and enter to win her latest box-set.  We also have a brief interview on wheels from the Skate King in Bellevue (additional video here).  Finally, find out how to share happy hour with your dog in this episode.

The song of the night is Alive by the Deadline and we close the show on Movie, by Katie Davis.  The Website of the day is

CMP-1-21-2007: CrapMonkey Podcast Episode 115

It’s Sunday night and I’m sipping a Mactarnahan’s Blackwatch Porter.  Wendy and I checked out Bodies: The Exhibition in Seattle this weekend and I recommend it to anyone who is able to get there.  Last Thursday the Seattle Podcasting Network Meetup featured a discussion on portable media, podcasting and user generated content that is available for download. Need an idea for Valentine’s Day?  What about a night out at Hales Brewery? Also worth noting: the 8th Annual Washington Cask Beer Festival is coming up in March and tickets will go fast. Following are a couple of fun links:

The song of the day is Agony in June by Sunday Morning Music (buy the album on Amazon) and I close the show on a song by Phil Hurley.  The website of the day is (following the website of the day, I go on a brief tangent about WPF/E and the Microsoft Expressions Suite).

By the way, CrapMonkey now has a MySpace site… want to be friends?

CMP-1-11-2007: CrapMonkey Podcast Episode 114

New Year's Day

What’s your New Year’s Resolution? In this episode, we find out what folks are resolving to do in 2007.  Additionally, there are a couple of beer related events coming up that are not to be missed.  The first is Hops and Props at the Museum of Flight and the second is the Port Townsend Strange Brew Festival.

The Song of the day is Stories and Fables by Zach Harjo and Jeff Fielder and the website of the day is

Want to chime in?  Call the voice mail line at 206-984-4292or email me at