I’m probably stooping to new lows right now, but I wanted to quickly do some shameless self promotions, as well as some not-so-shameless promotions of others. First of all, I’m excited to introduce a new feature to the CrapMonkey Website: The CrapMonkey Store. That’s right, you can finally get CrapMonkey swag so that you can impress your friends with your awesome listening tastes. Keep your eye on the store as I hope to update merchandise frequently. Additionally, the Podcast Awards are seven days away from wrapping up the nominations. Please get out to the Podcast Awards site and nominate the CrapMonkey for a People’s Choice Award. I’m guessing the “general” category is the closest thing going for this show but it’s your call of course.
Okay, onto the less shameful promotions. If you are a technology geek, forward thinker or entrepreneur; you are not going to want to miss Gnomedex as it is, hands down, the leading technology conference. We are less than one month out, so get registered asap. Likewise, if you are headed out to Seattle for the event, shoot me an email and we’ll hook up for a beer at one of Seattle’s many fine breweries. Finally, I wanted to make a quick case for the Podcast and New Media Expo in Ontario, California in September. Hotel rooms are already becoming scarce, so if you are interested in going, you better hop to it. It’s the home of the Podcast People’s Choice Podcast Awards and a great place to get to know your favorite podcasters better. Well, that’s all I’ve got for now – hope to see you at one of these events (wearing a CrapMonkey t-shirt of course)!