After a week of fine brews from around the country, some of these beers were a bit hard to swallow. That said, whenever the Tasters have a tasting, good times are had. Below are the results (and my stomach still hurts a bit). The rating scale is between 1 and 10 – the top ranking beer on this list was a 5.8.
Old English 800 – High Gravity 4.5
Elephant Beer (from Carlsberg) 2
Micky’s Ice 4
Warka (from Poland) 2
Steel Reserver 211 5.8
Steel Reserve Triple Export 5
Harnas – Poland 4
Micky’s 3.5
Fosters 4.9
Raineer Ale 5
Hurricane Ice 5.3
Okocin 5.3
Red Dog 5.9
Old English 5.25
So there you have it. I’ve never had most of these beers before, and I will likely never have one again, but stranger things have happend.