
CrapMonkey Travis

The CrapMonkey Podcast:
Don’t let the name fool you, the CrapMonkey Podcast has little to do with crap or monkeys.  Started in March of 2005, the CrapMonkey Podcast focuses on Movies, Music, Technology, Beer, and Seattle area happenings.  Why such an eclectic set of topics?  Well, frankly, those are my primary areas of interest so that is what most shows end up being about (truth be told, “Movies” have become less and less dominate over the past year, making more room for beer and tech).
Taking a closer look, the CrapMonkey Podcast does have some semblance of a format.  Minimally, each episode will contain a website of the day and a song of the day.  The website of the day is typically something that peaks my interest due to its usefulness, timeliness, or relationship to the show’s topic area, and the song of the day is usually an independent artist – often from the Seattle area.  The Seattle theme also manifests itself as audio recordings from area events (like brewfests, concerts, and exhibits) as well as the Restroom Review feature now boasting over twenty Seattle area reviews.  The reviews are embedded in episodes but also can be heard individually by clicking the “Restroom Reviews” link above.
The CrapMonkey was born out of an interest to understand user generated media and RSS delivery a little better.  Somewhere along the way it turned out to be pretty fun, so the program persists.  The blog and the podcast schedule is somewhat based on the pace of my life.  While I aim to get at least one episode delivered per week, sometimes you’ll get three and other times you will go without.  Such is life.

Are you doing something interesting that should be featured on the CrapMonkey Podcast?  Be sure to contact the show via email or the voice mail line: 206.666.3283.

Who is the CrapMonkey?
The CrapMonkey (also known as CrapMonkey Travis) is the alter ego of Travis Petershagen, a technology and beer enthusiast from Seattle, Washington.  Travis graduated from Washington State University in 1995 with a degree in broadcast communications and a minor in business.  In 1998, he went to work for Microsoft.  He is still at Microsoft today in the role of Digital Media Distribution Manager for Microsoft Studios, the company’s internal media production facility.
When the CrapMonkey is not at the day job, you might find him camping in the Northwest, playing Disc Golf, attending or hosting beer tastings, or attending one of several media and technology conferences like Gnomedex, Streaming Media West, The Podcast and Portable Media Expo, NAB, or Seattle Mindcamp.  Travis, along with Stuart Maxwell, is also the organizer of the Seattle Podcasting Network and Meetup Group.  Recently the CrapMonkey Podcast was featured on King 5’s Evening Magazine for its role in Seattle area Podcasting.  Travis is married to Wendy Petershagen and lives in Ballard (a suburb of Seattle).

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